International Journal of Information Technology and Applied Sciences (IJITAS) <p><strong>International Journal of Information Technology and Applied Sciences (IJITAS) -ISSN 2709-2208 (Online)-</strong> is a peer-reviewed International Journal that currently publishes 4 issues annually. IJITAS is published by the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">World Organization of Applied Sciences (WOAS)</a>. IJITAS journal publishes technical papers, as well as review articles and surveys, describing recent research and development work that covers all areas of computer science, information systems, and computer / electrical engineering.</p> <p align="justify"><em><strong>Cross Reference</strong></em></p> <p align="justify"><strong>International Journal of Information Technology and Applied Sciences (IJITAS)</strong> is a member of the <strong>CrossRef. </strong>The DOI prefix allotted for IJITAS is <a href=""><strong>10.52502/ijitas</strong></a></p> en-US (IJITAS Journal) (Sebastian Schreiter) Thu, 14 Mar 2024 11:24:03 +0000 OJS 60 Internal Audit in Moroccan Regional Education and Training Academies (AREF) : An empirical study <p>Over the past two decades, the Moroccan education system has been under considerable pressure to both improve the quality of its services, and make more effective and efficient use of the resources at its disposal. This context has necessitated the updating of the management control system and the introduction of internal control and audit systems. The latter has become a key device at the service of the national education system's top management. Our research studies the late implementation and gradual development of the internal audit function in Moroccan regional education and training academies (AREF), and analyzes its descriptive, structural, organizational and functional characteristics. Data was collected through a survey of financial affairs inspectors (IAF) in the internal audit units (UAI) of nine AREFs. The results of the study highlight the similarities and differences, as well as the gaps and shortcomings, that characterize internal auditing in AREFs compared with private organizations.</p> Mohamed ESSAOUDI, Raja LOTFI Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 14 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Corruption in Sport: Who corrupts whom, where, when, why and how? <p><strong><em>Introduction.</em></strong> <em>Our study is exploratory, descriptive and empirical. It endeavors to uncover the characteristics of a phenomenon that’s increasingly plaguing the Moroccan sports landscape: corruption. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Purpose</em></strong><em>. Our aim is threefold. It seeks to analyze the descriptive features of corruption; to identify its numerous forms in national sport; and to examine the drivers, causes and consequences of corruption at the level of national and international sports organizations. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Methodology. </em></strong><em>The methodological approach is both mixed and systemic.&nbsp; It’s based on a total triangulation method in which three methodological approaches are crossed: diachronic and retrospective analysis of open online sources linked to mass media and sports organization databases; analysis of corruption cases recounted over the last 25 years and an empirical survey involving questionnaires and interviews. Our study mobilized 120 persons representing 14 different profiles, all acting in the national sports field. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Results. </em></strong><em>252 cases of corruption were recorded and 12 forms of corruption were identified. The two most recurrent forms of corruption in national sport are match-fixing and illegal commissions. Also, the Moroccan sports organizations most perceived as "corrupt" are the royal federations, sports clubs and regional leagues. Football is the "king of corruption" in both frequency and scandal.&nbsp; In national sport, our leading are perceived as the most "corrupt". They’re followed by managers, players' agents, trainers and referees. Women are generally less corrupt than men in national sports. Five causes determine corrupt practices in national sport: absence of ethical values; low income of players; lack of transparency within sports organizations (SOs); absence of internal control within SOs and poverty of sport athletes. Furthermore, the consequences of corruption in sport are numerous and affect all the country's vital sectors. These causes generate consequences which, once settled and entrenched, become causes for other consequences that are more endemic. </em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion. </em></strong><em>Corruption in sport is both a complex and multidimensional phenomenon. More money penetrates sport, more corruption increases and spreads. It is the result of structural, managerial and behavioral dysfunctions. It is a systemic endemic requiring systemic measures.</em></p> Raja LOTFI, Mohamed ESSAOUDI Copyright (c) 2024 Wed, 03 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000